Saturday, September 25, 2010

a perfect feature

i'm always a little nervous when i meet with a reporter. you grant them permission to tell your story and then you hope they understand your message. the day jeff came for the interview the store was crazy busy. i had to keep leaving our interview to help customers. while I was doing so, jeff decided to speak with a few of them. i wasn't sure what they would say. i also was not sure how the mission of our store would come across. after all, we are a bit different than many business establishments. my first read through put all my fears to rest. jeff did a beautiful job of telling our story...

(click on pictures to enlarge)


Ruby Blue Quilting Studio said...

Congrats on the article! Hope to make it out to visit your shop soon! Everything looks so wonderful!

Jan said...

Congrats on the great article. I've been following your story, and wish you continued success.

Stacey said...

What you are doing is so amazing, if only there was more people like you in the world! Keep following your heart, and making dreams come true for people, You are a very special person, be very proud!!
Well wishes coming from Maine


Kate D. Spain said...

Congratulations, Joyce and Sarah! What a wonderful article that captures what you're doing so well. Keep doing what you love and everything else will just fall into place. xoxo