Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the small details

i've often revealed our new window displays at night. they seem more impactful with the lights shining down.

we've had the window changed for a day or two. and we liked it mostly. but something was just not right. then last night i had reason to drive down the road without pulling into our lot. that's when i recognized it was too open. our fall fabrics in the window did not pop because you can see straight into the big open room. this morning i had an idea...

what do you think? awesome?? yes, that's awesome. no, not the idea. well maybe that too. but the fabric. it's awesome by sandy gervais for moda. i think it's just the punch we're looking for.


Jan said...

Wow, your tweaking was very effective.

This Mommy Made It said...

Looks great!