Friday, February 4, 2011

the lady in red... our very own miss sarah. in just a few short days we will be celebrating her 21st happy heart day. for those who don't know, sarah had open heart surgery when she was just six months old. she was born with a complete ventricular septual defect. which basically means she was missing the wall between her ventricles. sarah's post op recovery was quite complicated and she spent several months in and out of intensive care, but that one operation saved her life. without it, she would not have reached her first birthday.

so we really do take the month of february to heart. and this year we ask you to please join us. come to the store. not only are all red fabrics and notions 50% off on 2.4.11...

we have information from the american heart association for you to take home. we have red dress pins and silly bandz for you to take. and please be sure to sign a red heart to hang on our door before you leave. we have made this year's donation in honor of not only sarah but all of our new friends. be sure to stay tuned...we have a fun announcement coming soon...


Mary said...

Sarah is so gorgeous!

hollyctr said...

Pretty girl :) I'll try to make it in today!

Kate D. Spain said...

What a beautiful picture of Sarah! truly a day to celebrate. xxoo

Cherie said...

What a gorgeous young lady!