Friday, April 1, 2011

winning gold...

this is no april fool's joke. it just so happened that an advertising salesman walked in just as sari and sarah were about to draw the winners. he asked what they were drawing for and i replied...

"gold." how else would one describe the opportunity to tour moda fabrics? here's hoping your box is holding the winning ticket...drum roll please...

and the winners are...

Roxana Moore

Ronda Searl

Marlene Gambatese

Beryl Younkin

Stephanie Greene

Please come into the shop to claim your box of candy bars, moda style. winners will select their own box from our stock of five boxes on a first arrive, first select, basis. JEllen's house of fabric assumes no responsibility for the contents of each box or for any part of your trip should you be the winner of the grand prize.

1 comment:

Heidi Lacy said...

Wow I see my Mom Name in that list ;) since she rode with me might have to make her share her prize, we will be seeing u soon way 2 go Ronda ;)