Sunday, April 24, 2011

bella in the springtime...

twenty brand new, never before seen, bella solids have arrived just in time for spring.  they are just perfect paired with our jumbo ric rac. wondering what can you do with all the trim...why our very own lily has an idea...   

don't you just love young creativity:-) brings a smile to my face every time she comes in. wishing you all a happy springtime and a happy easter. 

1 comment:

Barbara White said...

Dearest Joyce and Sarah, You are both such a blessing. I know on this the holiest of days, God has you tucked tightly under his wing. Of course Lily is smiling, because you put forth the effort and atmosphere for others to feel loved and secure. We are all extremely happy for you to have opened your hearts and talents to us. Happy Easter. See you soon.