Monday, June 28, 2010

a nudge from my horoscope?

the project has been humming along. boxes are arriving almost daily. what is coming in now i ordered at my very first trade show in maumee back in march, when this idea was just taking shape. i had a vision of where we were going, but truthfully nothing yet on paper. three months down the road we have a plan. the display cases are being built, additional fabric has been ordered to fill them, trims have been selected, along with patterns, books and notions. i have a work crew waiting in the wings to come into our space come july 1st to replace cabinetry and paint. everything is shaping up nicely. except for one thing...

...what to do at the point of sale. i have been researching this from the beginning. i know it is so important, probably the biggest decision to be made. i am usually very good at making decisions, yet this one had me stumped. i went on a shopping spree to quilt stores in ohio, for the sole purpose of seeing what others are doing. i did make one key observation. whatever you have, make sure your employees know how to operate it. yet i still had no clear direction.

so i did some more research. talked to a few people. downloaded trial pos demonstrations. talked to more folks. had some sales reps come to me. in my gut i felt a pos system was a bit much for our little shop, but it is what many are pushing.

then on june 23, i had a lovely woman come see me from heartland. i had met her at the chamber business to business expo. we clicked. i had been hearing about heartland from others that i had talked to. still i sent her on her way admitting that this decision was somewhat intimidating to me and i needed more time to think about it. later that day while supper was cooking, i signed into yahoo to check my email. for some reason i decided to check my horoscope. not something i do everyday. this is what it read...

the first thing i saw was the quickie, it's hard to be objective with the people you love, so don't bother trying today. that statement blew me away. i have been struggling with some behaviors i have been observing in my daughter recently. the one that has prompted me to open this store. i wrote a little about it on her blog.

what came next knocked me off my chair. literally. try to absorb all the details of your current big project - especially those that are somewhat intimidating. it's a really good day for you to watch, learn, wait and then finally, act. i took this as a sign that i needed to get moving. i talked about it with my family at dinner. they are very good at helping to talk things through. and then i made the decision.

i would purchase a sharp xe-a22s cash register and utilize the services of heartland to process my credit cards. i sent karin, the woman who had been with me earlier that day an email letting her know. the next morning matt went with me to purchase the cash register.

so here i am attempting to program the cute little thing. i'm sure my oldest son would have this accomplished in a few short hours. yet i feel the need to do this task myself so i fully and completely understand it. this cash register and i need to become best friends.

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