Friday, January 27, 2012

batik brightness...

i've often heard january in ohio described as dreadful...

so we came up with a plan for the front window to brighten your day.  even the mailman has taken notice.  we have over 100 new bolts of bright batiks in stock.  and just in case you haven't heard...they are on sale just this weekend. buy one yard and receive a second yard for free.  full yard cuts only. sale ends at 5:00 on saturday 1/28.


Anonymous said...

I made a quit like the circle one on the right-it is beautiful! My car is in the shop this weekend, grrrrr! Maybe I can talk someone into some batik therapy and grab a ride out!

Debbie said...

that display would make anyone happy! :)

To Love Endlessly said...

Sure to make even the gloomiest day brighter... :0)

Crystal Stanworth said...

wow! i love this window display. so much pizzazz! now i want some batik therapy as well! :)