Tuesday, February 1, 2011

coming out to the world...

i knew this day was coming, for some time actually. the original interview occurred in late october. i'd been thinking about it on and off since then. not sure exactly how it would play out. just knowing that our story and our shop would be introduced to the quilting community via a feature in this magazine...

...subscribers started to receive their copies early last week and they came to the store for sarah's autograph. fun. then we started to receive congratulatory comments on sarah's blog. nice. then came a comment from a reader whose unborn baby was recently diagnosed with down syndrome. we gave her hope, she said. amazing. i wasn't prepared for a quilting magazine to act as a catalyst for connections to that part of our story. thankful. today, the story brought joy to a grieving mother. priceless.
ps...i guess i should mention...sarah's pillowcases for kristen story is featured on page one of this april 2011 issue. under the heading quilting changes everything. yes indeed it has. for so many of us. an interesting tidbit...our first empty bolt...the one on display in the store...was from edyta sitar's let it snow collection. do you see who's studio is featured in this magazine?
i would like to thank maria charbonneaux for taking the time to interview sarah and for writing this story. she captured it just perfectly. for sarah. for kristen. and for me. we are so very grateful.


hollyctr said...

How wonderful and beautiful and touching and AMAZING! I am so happy and excited for the both of you! I'm going to have to get myself a copy!!

Karen said...

Screw Hollywood actors or athletes, YOU are my hero, and people like you. Living in the real world, showing others that it's better than you realize. Celebrating differences, and helping others realize the blessings that they have.


Cherie said...

It was beautiful reading of you and Sarah on the FIRST page! Congrats--you deserve it!