Monday, February 21, 2011

a modalicious backdrop...

the pillowcase count had reached nearly 100, so sarah and i were just about ready to dismantle the display to begin the process of washing and prep work necessary to begin our deliveries. and then a phone call came in. sarah was being asked to do an interview with john campanelli, a reporter for the cleveland plain dealer. so we kept the pillowcases in place for one more week...

photo by Lynn Ischay, The Plain Dealer. please do not copy without permission

as lynn eyed the store for a perfect angle from which to shoot, the pillowcases seemed to be a good backdrop. the moment i clicked on the website for the first view today, i was struck by how perfect and beautiful it truly was. for so many reasons. the shared collection of hands that helped create them. the loveliness of so much moda fabric in one place. the light that shines so brightly in memory of kristen ann kirton. thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.

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