Sunday, August 14, 2011

sweetness everywhere...

such a week. our appreciation to all of our friends and customers overfloweth.  we are so fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

just in case you missed it, we had not just one but two designing celebrities in the house on saturday...vickie eapen of spun sugar quilts and a surprise visit by rebecca silbaugh of ruby blue quilting studio.  how exciting for us and all gathered around.

vickie not only autographed the page with her pattern in the new and delightful book, fresh fabric treats, she also gave us a demonstration of paper piecing.  late breaking update...see that adorable little bag...the one with the bright green zipper...if you hop on over to the moda bake shop you will find a tutorial to make your own...compliments of vickie. 

it is always fascinating to watch a new technique or even if it's not new, picking up little pointers from those more experienced.  such as...tiny little needles make for tiny little stitches.  btw...that quilt draped on the table...the one made with me & my sister...that's the real thing.   

vickie was so gracious to pose for pics with our customers, velta and paula...

...and with the chief fabric organizer and the birthday girl. thank you everyone. we are off to a great beginning into year two. we are more excited than ever.


Velta said...

I loved being in your blog, Joyce!! Thank you for my little moment of fame! As a beginner quilter,it was great fun to be in your bright and cheerful shop to meet Vickie and Rebecca! I found a lot to inspire me!

Vickie E said...

What a "sweet" post! and I loved meeting new quilters and sharing my version of english paper piecing. Thank you for having me :) Maybe we'll do it again sometime ;) ;)