Thursday, November 3, 2011

featuring flora...

our newest collection to arrive is by lauren + jessi jung...

they are a modern day mother/daughter team. flora is their third collection. sarah and i first saw it at spring market last may. i had a hunch i liked it, but i wasn't completely convinced. i did know i loved the finished quilt hanging in the moda booth. it was a buzzing with bumble bees.

on their blog they describe it like the drawings began to come alive… we noticed that a number of them… began to give off this sort of English Tea Room / Victorian Wallpaper sort of vibe… with a somewhat retro flair (though very subtle).  interesting description.

i've been cutting and folding flora all afternoon and i've decidied i like it. i really, really like it.  take a look at their blog.  it is extremely enjoyable to view.  i am anxious to see what you all do with flora.

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