Tuesday, April 3, 2012

sharing kristen's light...

it has been a big day in our little house of fabric. sarah has recently been chosen as a home town hero by anchor woman kristi capel of fox 8 cleveland.

kristi and her crew arrived around noon to film for the segment, which will air sometime during the month of may.

sarah shared her sewing talents with kristi. they were able to stitch up a few pillowcases during the filming.  we carefully staged kristen's plaque so it would be in clear view. sarah and her friend stacy shared much of the story about how our store came to be and the one million pillowcase challenge.

then sarah took kristi up to her desk to share the blog postings about kristen. we never want to forget that without kristen, we would not have a story like we have.

although sarah is the hero for the day, it is kristen's light that shines so bright.

p.s. we would like to thank our customers who allowed us to film them today and apologize for any inconvenience the taping created.

1 comment:

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

QUE BOM VER SARAH.ELA É linda e seu blog vale a pena ser seguido.concordo com você sobre essa môça linda,tem LUZ própria sim.FELIZ PÁSCOA A TODAS!!!!