Sunday, December 23, 2012

my favorite...

...story of the season...

we had a dad come into the store with his young children to buy something for his wife this week. he left his credit card behind. so i put it into a plain white envelope and asked my sixteen year old to deliver it to their house thinking the mom would not recognize him. matt calls me to tell me no one is home but they have a mailbox where the mail falls into the house so he could put it in there and it would be safe. i asked him first if he was absolutely sure that he was at the right house..."yes mom, there is a wreath on the front door in your fabric."
...and here he is stopping in again today for snacks (as evidenced by whatever is in his cheek) and money for food...
 which is how he knows our inventory so well:)  love you matt and thanks for just being you!

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