Friday, July 9, 2010

paint one

mid morning the familiar gray panel van arrived in the front parking lot. out comes a friendly smile. al pestotnik has done work for us several times before. great guy with a good crew. he has a keen eye for detail and always leaves the place cleaner than he found it.

i'm quickly reminded why i hired the professionals as they unload all their miscellaneous tools, buckets and ladders.

they waste no time covering our humble pile of eight moda fabric boxes with plastic. looks like they will double as a handy little table for their stuff.

gone are the door jams and hinges that once held doors in the original house.

soon the holes left by wall anchors, nails and clothing hooks are filled, sanded the layered with mud.

the wallpaper, it's gone too. in a matter of hours. that task alone would have taken me a few days. i'm feeling lucky tonight. can't wait to see the progress on monday.

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