Tuesday, July 13, 2010

painting progress...

every hour makes a difference. it's amazing to me what can be accomplished with many hands.

today tom joins the crew. he moonlights with al on his days off. in his real job he works as a firefighter/paramedic. he knows i carry a soft spot for that most important role. i never wish to forget that without dedicated servants such as tom, our sarah would not be alive today.

woody is a master with the brush. his oil coats are flawless.

even al puts in his time. busy here sanding the original steps to the house. they are going to be a perfect location for displaying an entire collection of fabric. so glad they left them in during the previous remodel.

those moda boxes continue to come in handy as more equipment makes it onto the scene.

here's john busy in the foyer. we decided to paint on up both staircases to my husband's office while we had the crew on site. lots and lots of work to do before the grand opening. it seems progress is right on schedule. with the right helpers anything is possible and we have been blessed with the best.

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