Friday, September 3, 2010

developing friendships...

one of the best experiences of our first few weeks is watching friendships blossom. we are meeting such wonderful people. we are watching women who have not seen each other for some time meet again. we are observing quilters sharing stories with each other. we are introducing folks who do not know each other yet share a common bond.

and we have an awesome friendship developing amongst our workers. today both sarah and sari were able to work together in the store.

they both started on the floor...literally.

sari was busy unloading many boxes of new fabric...

while sarah was creating a display of charm packs. they were working hard. and then they got to talking...

...about a new show on the disney channel. they both love...i mean LOVE...the disney channel. camp rock and the jonas brothers. it doesn't get any better for them. their kind of friday night. they just kept talking about it. adding commentary here and there. these two gals had me in stitches...not the sewing kind...the i can't stop laughing you girls are so funny, kind.
truthfully, neither one has the best communication skills. the down syndrome and the autism are likely to blame. yet they so understand each other. neither really cares that most twenty something girls are no longer interested in the disney channel or camp rock or the jonas brothers. yet somehow that innocence is what made the afternoon all the more enjoyable. watching the two. listening to their conversation. observing a developing friendship that is so right for them. i especially love it is happening amongst the fabric on a rainy friday afternoon.


Kate D. Spain said...

how wonderful for everyone! you just never know what a day can hold, and by creating a place for people to slow down and intersect with others...well...anything is possible. i love that you're taking careful notice of these joyful moments. they're food for your soul. hello to everyone! xok

Jan said...

I love your post about these wonderful girls.

Lisa said...

Loving it!

Karen said...

Oh, how wonderful! I'd have loved to have been there.

Cathleen said...

Love it! So many positive aspects to your store opening - a passion for fabric, a new business venture, and friendships forming. And by the way, I love Camp Rock and the Jonas Bros also and I'm 29! Luckily I've gotten my 4 year old daughter (who has Down syndrome) into it as well so I can pretend I watch it all for her enjoyment... :)