Saturday, May 14, 2011

quilting changes everything...

our second stop needed to be here...

the better homes and garden's american patchwork & quilting booth. i wanted to meet maria charbonneaux. she is the staff writer who so beautifully wrote the story. about two girls, two pillowcases, two moms, and changed lives. i was told she would be there at 3:00 p.m. it just so happened, or did it? that before three o'clock we rounded a corner and there was... 

...jennifer keltner, the executive editor for american patchwork & quilting. it was jennifer who first found sarah's pillowcase project on her blog and left a comment. we were beside ourselves that she did. today, the story comes full circle. jennifer, polly (kristen's mom) sarah and me. she was ever so gracious and i so appreciated the kindness she extended to polly. i can only imagine the day was so very bittersweet for polly. the pain of not having kristen with us, yet she walked by our side allowing sarah to shine in her stardom.    

and then we met maria. she is as sweet in person as on the phone. i will never forget the time she took to talk with sarah. never getting frustrated with her short, sometimes unintelligible answers. and from our fragmented conversations, wrote a succinct story, that conveys our message and the fact that quilting does indeed change everything.


Unknown said...

It makes me so happy that you two get to make these connections this week. Thanks so much for sharing!

Maria Charbonneaux said...

I'm so glad the three of you stopped by our booth, and I hope you had a fabulous time at your first Quilt Market! It was such a pleasure to meet Sarah in person. She is truly an amazing young woman, and it's sharing stories like hers and Kristen's that make me glad I became a writer.