Monday, May 16, 2011

riley blake...

wow, wow, wow. i've said that a lot this weekend. truly. i wasn't sure what to expect at quilt market. i. have. been. blown. a. way. now imagine rounding the corner to find this...

seriously makes me want my bike back. the big purple one. circa 1968...

i think it would have gone nicely with the purple carpet too:) ok so maybe i'm a decade or so off...

that bike is so darling. it made me realize i need to spruce up sarah's ride. give it a little charm. i am so going to do that for quilt market 2012 in kansas city.  ok...back to riley blake. and the bike. it could be yours. click this link to read about their cruisin' contest.

every corner we turned was cuter than the next. riley blake is upping the production. more collections throughout the year...

here is just a sampling of what's to come. you should be able to click on the picture to enlarge for greater viewing. do you have a favorite? please let me know and i will add it to the order list.  hurry though. we need to get the pre-orders in very soon to insure delivery of the september and october collections.


I Quilt Scarlet and Gray said...

I like the Tuxedo Collection!!

Friendship Crossing said...

Love the Sew Cherry collection!
Just wanted to let you know I found your blog last wk. while you were gone and went back through all the older posts and wanted to let you know what an inspiration you and your daughter are to me and I'm sure many others!

I used to own a cross stitch shop and really miss being a shopowner!! I still love to stitch, but have recently gotten back into my sewing/quilting and have enjoyed going back to the quilt shops nearby. If I ever get up your way, I will definately stop in!! Your shop looks adorable and now I'm wanting one like yours! LOL
I grew up in Findlay, but Ky. is now home for me.
Anyway, I clicked on to follow you and added you to my sidebar. I'd love for you to hop over for a visit sometime. Nice 'meeting' you!


Kelly Ann said...

those Riley Blake people are soooo nice...sorry I missed meeting you...maybe next market..