Sunday, February 19, 2012

too cute for words...

every now and then something magical happens at the store. it reminds me of a good movie.  you leave the theater feeling fresh and rejuvenated.  remember this guessing post? the $50 answer was chosen by ella.  104 is her number at school. i found out when she arrived with her family this week, 10/4 is also her grandmother's birthday...

it is so exciting to me when young girls are interested in fabric. add to that a dad who has a very good knowledge on the subject. and a mom who is super encouraging and a sewer.  it was simply a great afternoon...

...for the little brother too.  just tell me you didn't say ahhh...when you saw that sweet pic.  thank you shannon and family for making our day. 


Tiffany said...

I see that the young lady has great taste in fabric, too!

carol fun said...

That is a magic moment! It warms my heart when I see young ones excited by fabric. Her little brother made me laugh -I remember my own son at that age doing the same sort of thing. Have a great week!

Neabear said...

I wish I lived close enough to visit your store. Looks wonderful from the pictures I see.


Missy S said...

That's my niece and nephew!! So cute! And my sister is AMAZING at sewing and I know my niece wants to learn so this is awesome! :)

heidi said...

Awww, now that's a super little brother!

Crystal Stanworth said...

sooo cute I can't stand it!